How can cement companies reduce their carbon footprint?

Across the globe we believe that climate action is essential to building a sustainable future. That's why we're taking a science-driven approach to reducing our carbon emissions.

Our net-zero journey is based on three pillars:

  • Decarbonizing our operations
  • Accelerating the use of low-carbon materials
  • Investing in new technologies


Decarbonizing our operations

We're working to reduce our carbon emissions from our operations in many ways. We're improving the energy efficiency of our plants, using renewable energy, and switching to low-carbon fuels. For example, we're installing solar panels at our plants and we're also working to reduce our water usage, which helps to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

Accelerating the use of low-carbon materials

We're also working to accelerate the use of low-carbon materials in our products. We've developed new types of cement and concrete that use less energy and emit less CO2.

For example, we've developed a new cement called ECO Planet that uses 30% less energy than traditional cement. We've also developed Eco pact a new concrete that uses recycled materials, which helps to reduce the environmental impact of construction.

Investing in new technologies

We're also investing in new technologies that can help us to reduce our carbon emissions. We're developing carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, which can capture CO2 emissions from our plants and store them underground.

We're also investing in research and development to find new ways to reduce our carbon footprint. We're committed to finding innovative solutions that will help us to achieve our net-zero goal.

Achieving net zero by 2050

We know that achieving net zero by 2050 will be a challenge. But we're confident that we can do it. We're committed to taking the necessary steps to reduce our carbon emissions and build a sustainable future. We're calling on our partners and customers to join us on this journey.

We are committed to building a sustainable future. We believe that climate action is essential to creating a better world for all.