Geocycle: Dubai Chamber Event on Sustainability
Geocycle UAE, represented by its Business Manager Ghali Rezaqallah, attended the Roundtable on “World without waste” organized by the Dubai Chamber during its Sustainable Week Nov 21st -26th in Dubai. The event, under the Ministry Of Climate Change and Environment -MOCCAE sponsorship, aimed at sharing ideas regarding the waste diversion goals and its challenges and provide the participants with solutions on how to overcome those challenges. Part of the answers came from corporations and local institutions as well as industrial companies such as Geocycle that is using co-processing in its cement factories to divert waste from landfill. The discussion carried on laws and policies that are needed to make the diversion a success with incentives and law enforcement provided the financial implications of such law would be thoroughly analyzed.
The opening ceremony of the Sustainable Week was held at the University of Dubai and was a great opportunity to demonstrate that sustainability is in action with the University being the first building fully self-sufficient for its energy needs.